My people perish for their lack of knowledge: Part 1 “Califia”

Written by: Damien Powell

As a servant of YESHUA I’m here to expose the darkness with the light of YESHUA who is The Way, The Truth, and The Life! The world has forgotten how Holy (Kodesh) The Elohim of Israel is because of this hyper grace idea that “once saved always saved”. We are moving into a generation just like the days of Noah and it’s time to wake up. Repent to YHWH!

I was just scrolling through a magazine at someone’s house and stumbled across a product named “Califia”.  It made me think of how we have become blinded by the tools of Satan and desensitized to paganism and accept these things into our homes or put them into our bodies blindly. We see logos but more often than not the artist or company borrowed them from demons. As Solomon said in all is wisdom said in Ecclesiastes 1:9

The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Calafia or Califia is a fictional character introduced by writer Garci Rodríguez de Montalvo in his popular novel entitled Las sergas de Esplandián, written around 1500. In the novel, Calafia is a pagan warrior queen who ruled over a kingdom of black women living on the Island of California.

We often eat and drink things that may be attached to the curses of a pagan deity and do not even know it. This is the trick of the one called the devil the old serpent of old. He hides in plain sight, desensitizes us and we begin to accept things without doing the research on it first. And for this YHWH says in Hosea 4:6 “My people perish for their lack of knowledge.”

Paul spoke about not eating meat sacrificed to idols. He said if you know the meat has been sacrificed to an idol then don’t eat it, but if you don’t know that it has been sacrificed then eat it without raising questions. But how about these that we do know about? The marketers of this world are plastering the faces, logos, and words of pagan deities all over their products. Through modern technology we has believers have the ability to research on our phones that we carry with us all day.

 These demons are real and will wreak havoc in your life. YHWH spoke of a spirit in Hosea 5:4 saying

“Their deeds do not allow them to turn back to their Elohim, for the spirit of whorings is among them, and they do not know YHWH.”

Just because you do not see the demons does not mean they don’t exist. Why else would the makers of these products use these pagan deities? Judas who betrayed YESHUA had Satan enter into him and he and those around him did not even know. The only One who knew was YESHUA.

 The makers of these products know what their agenda is. Do you realize how real Ephesians 6:12-13 is?

“Because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in the heavens. Because of this, take up the complete armor of Elohim, so that you have power to withstand in the wicked day and having done all, to stand.”

The whole armor of YHWH is His Word and following His Son YESHUA. We must not partake of any of the pagan things of this world. The spiritual realm is more real than the air we breathe. We are the invisible ones. Again, Repent to YHWH and fight for our Elohim of Israel in truth.

Fallen angels now attacking your children, beware!

Written by: Damien Powell

Link to the YouTube video discussing the gender identity sex classes being forced to children in public schools in California:

Shalom brothers and sisters in YESHUA, as usual I’m writing to help expose the darkness of this world with The Way, The Truth, and The Light that is YESHUA our Messiah, Savior, and Son of YHWH.

In a previous broadcast and blog titled “Throw away your TVs: The darkness surrounding the movie industry”, I discuss how Los Angeles, California was called “El Pueblo de la Reina de los Angeles Sobre el Rio de porcincula” which means “the town of the queen of angels” others say it means “queen of heaven or lady the queen” And as I explained the queen of heaven is found in Jeremiah 7:18 saying

“The children are gathering wood, the dads are lighting the fire, and the women are kneading their dough, to make cakes for the queen of the heavens, and to pour out drink offerings to other mighty ones, to provoke Me.”

Then Jeremiah 44:17 says

“But we shall do whatever has gone out of our own mouth, to burn incense to the queen of the heavens and pour out drink offerings to her, as we have done, we and our ancestors, our kings and our heads, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem.”

The queen of heaven is the one known as Easter, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Ishtar, Isis, Rhea, etc. The one who is being worshiped on Easter, Mother’s day, and a host of all these other pagan days along with her son and husband Nimrod aka Ba’al. As I explained in that blog it is no coincidence that Hollywood which derives from the Greek Holy wood is the home of the fallen angels in California. They placed this knock off holy wood in the city of the fallen angel for a reason, because it is a gateway for demonic spirits and activity to release into the world. Satan was a fallen angel and he took 1/3 of the angels with him in their losing battle in Heaven and now he and his fallen angels want to be worshipped as elohim (gods) and they do it in an indirect fashion through spell casting using entertainment. Remember, Satan is the god of this world. California has a theme of darkness surrounding them.

Bohemian grove in California

Also in California is the Bohemian grove where the Illuminati elite and other powers of this world go to worship before a 40 foot owl (representative of Satan) and to commit human sacrifices, chants, oaths, and devise plans against the deceived people of the earth. Satan requires human sacrifices as he did in The Bible when the children of Israel would pass their children though the fire to Moloch for economic prosperity and power. The same is being done in our modern society with the Bohemian grove. Those that participate in these rituals go on to become presidents, members of congress and other positions in power.

Bible banning in California?

Another thing that California is doing is trying to indirectly ban The Bible. There is a bill in California called the Assembly Bill 2943 that is being proposed to set restrictions on services to change a person’s sexual orientation, also known as “gay conversation therapy.” Current state law prohibits “sexual orientation change efforts or SOCE for children under the age of 18. The bill is currently awaiting the vote in state senate. The San Diego Union-Tribune reports Assembly man Travis Allen who is running for governor in California saying “The bill would literally ban Bible sales.” OANN host Liz Wheeler says “This is essentially criminalizing religious beliefs and I don’t mean to speak in hyperbole here, but if this bill were to pass, wouldn’t this prohibit the sale of the Bible that teaches these things about sexual morality?” “Well, literally, according to how this law is written, yes it would, ‘Allen replied. This is you know, PC culture, politically correct culture, gone horribly awry. This is really directly hitting at our First Amendment right as American citizens.”

These so called rights they are trying to pass to protect children by banning books to change a person’s sexual orientation goes against saving that individual from something YHWH calls an abomination. Why wouldn’t we want to save these people instead of banning material that would help them? You are keeping the light of His Word in the darkness. Isaiah 5: 20-21 says

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and clever in their own sight!”

Elohim destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for these abominable practices and Paul spoke about this in 1 Corinthians 6:9

“Do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the reign of Elohim? Do not be deceived. Neither those who whore, nor idolaters, nor adulterers nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, not thieves, nor greedy of gain, nor drunkards, nor revilers nor swindlers shall inherit the reign of Elohim.”

So why hide this knowledge from them who need to hear this? Why ban any books that can change the mind of a child from their brainwashed, indoctrinated state the world has taught them before they were able to even think for themselves? Their agenda is pushed in music, movies, and all over our society.

Will your child be forced to listen to abominations in school?

Now in Sacramento, California there is a sex ed controversy in California schools. They are talking to kindergarteners about “gender identity.” The children haven’t even figured out what they are going to be when they grow up first, to even teach them about gender identity. It’s a brainwashing technique being used in our society. They are also teaching same sex practices for LGBTQ high schooler’s, and addressing masturbation with middle school children, which is a form of sexual immorality that will lead to pornographic addiction and other materials. Sadly, there are parents out there who are agreeing with this education.

Jonathan Keller a president and CEO of family council says the state will be institutionalizing a graphic and obscene nature of this material having it taught in the classroom is disturbing, he says. Heller says a lot of parents are not well off to put them into private schools or home school them. And I personally think this is how Satan traps the world by making us think there are no other options available. You will be forced to feed your children lies just like they do with pagan holidays and taking prayer out of schools. Keller also says gender identity, gender ideology will be forced on parents and children, your gender isn’t based on biology but how you are feeling. And what is sad is that parents will not be able to opt out of this teaching, so your child will be forced to listen to gender identity teachings at the age of five and masturbation for your middle school children. In the beginning Elohim created male and female in His image; therefore, Elohim did not make a mistake when He made anyone, He is perfect.

The other reporter who supports this says these teachings will provide a framework, provide information and resources to say that traits don’t define gender, you are the gender in which you identify with, and those traits are only things that you like. Is there any coincidence that the four topics mentioned in this blog are birthed in California, home of the fallen angels or queen of heaven? The portal is being opened wider as the darkness of this world gets darker. The school system is forcing vaccines on your children that contain aborted baby fetuses and pig mixed with other abominations, and now they will force gender identity on your children. Will you stand up and fight for the Elohim of Israel? Let YESHUA the Light of the world shine on the darkness that surrounds us.



Satanic alert: Is your mom the queen of heaven?

Written by: Damien Powell

The world is getting ready to say or have already said “Happy mothers day!” But is this a day we should be celebrating as follower of YESHUA? Jeremiah 10:2 says

“Thus said YHWH, “Do not learn the way of the gentiles, and do not be frightened by the signs of the heavens, for the gentiles are frighted by them. For the prescribed customs of the peoples are worthless.”

Amos 5:21

“I have hated, I have despised your festivals, and I am not pleased with your assemblies.”

The days that the world celebrates that are not in scripture are abominations and YHWH hates them, because they represent worship of pagan deities.

Elohim commands us in the Ten Commandments to “Honor our mother and father so that we may live long in the land that the YHWH your Elohim is giving you.”   With that command do we really need a human to come along and tell us what day we should honor our parents? Realistically, we should honor them every day to make them proud and not to disrespect those who raised us. A lot of people have big celebrations for their parents on these days because man said to do so; then turn around and disobey them the very next day. Satan is trying to present a sort of false worship by uplifting your parents on a certain day, the same way we uplift and venerate ourselves on our birthdays. Self-exaltation is dangerous and silently enters our lives without us even knowing it.

So, is there paganism associated with this holiday too? You bet.

Mother’s Day dates back to ancient cultures in Greece and Rome. In both cultures, mother goddess (Queen of Heaven) were worshipped during the springtime with religious festivals. The ancient Greeks paid tribute to the powerful goddess Rhea, the wife of Cronus, known as the Mother of the gods (Queen of Heaven). Similarly, evidence of a three-day Roman festival in Mid-March called Hilaria, to honor the Roman goddess Magna Mater, or Great Mother, dates back to 250 BCE.

As Christianity spread throughout Europe, the celebration of the “Mother Church” replaced the pagan tradition of honoring mythological goddesses. The fourth Sunday in Lent (Weeping for Tammuz), a 40-day fasting period before Easter, became known as Mothering Sunday. To show appreciation for their mothers, they often brought gifts or a “mothering cake” (Jeremiah 7:18) and over time, it began to coincide with the celebration of the Mother Church. Mother’s Day always falls on the second Sun-day of May, and like so many other holidays rooted in pagan sun-worship including Father’s Day which always falls on the third Sun-day of June, usually falls on the day named in honor of their most powerful god—The Sun! (

The Egyptians worshiped Isis the Egyptian goddess queen of heaven which was later changed to “mother Mary.” Photos show Isis holding her son Horus which looks strikingly similar to the sculpture of Mary holding YESHUA! We have to understand that mothers give birth; therefore, these pagan goddess deities gave birth to many false religions.

Jeremiah 44:16-17

“We are not going to listen to you in the matter about which you spoke to us in the Name of YHWH!(believers today). “But we shall do whatever has gone out of our own mouth, to burn incense to the queen of the heavens and pour out drinks offerings to her, as we have done, we and our dad, our kings, and our heads, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem. And we had plenty of food, and were well-off, and saw no evil”

Satan provides that false sense of peace and prosperity that he can give when you are obedient to him, but it eventually comes at a heavy prince. Let us not recreate pagan rituals by partaking in these holidays. Share this and pass it out to someone who is unaware. And as always, let us stand up fight for The Elohim of Yisra’el in truth.

Throw away your TV's: The darkness surrounding the movie industry!

Written by: Damien Powell


When we begin to hear that human sacrifices to Satan are occurring in a place where people are starved for fame and fortune, then this should not come as a surprise to us. I previously blogged about how Satan uses music and his “musical prophets” to do his will and now I would like to discuss the role of the film industry.

The children of Israel in ancient times offered sacrifices and even their children to Moloch/Nimrod (pawns of Satan) for financial gain and the same is occurring today.

What exactly is Hollywood the place where “stars” are born? Is it sinister?

Everyone is familiar with a city in California known as Los Angeles, but little do people know that before it was named Los Angeles it was called “El Pueblo de la Reina de los Angeles Sobre el Rio de porciuncula” which means “the town of the Queen of Angels” others says it means “Queen of heaven or Lady the queen”. Could this meaning be deeper than we think such as City of the fallen angels? Or the other interpretation which is the queen of heaven found in Jeremiah 7:18 which says:

“The children are gathering wood, the dads are lighting the fire, and the women are kneading their dough, to make cakes for the queen of the heavens, and to pour out drink offerings to other mighty ones, to provoke Me.”

Either way it is not coincidental that the movie industry is started in this particular location considering the evidence that there is a metropolitan city in Rome named “Nemi/Nemus” known as (holy wood) which Los Angeles is modeled after. Hollywood is derived from the Rome’s Nemus (holy wood) which is an exact replica of what we see in Rome. Both locations are in the middle of the groves on top of the hills. Nemi has a lake in the middle of the groves called “Diana’s mirror”. The emperors from around the world would sail into the lake of Diana’s mirror to assert themselves as “stars”. Now we can see the connection with the term “star” we hear about in America where Hollywood actors/actresses want to become “stars” and also the show “Dancing with the stars”. We have to remember that scripture says there is nothing new under the sun which is found in Ecclesiastes 1:9

“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

That scripture from Solomon and all his wisdom is true, because we think that Hollywood here in America was the first of its kind, when in fact it is nothing more than a replica of Nemi/holy wood in Rome. There is nothing new under the sun.

Nemus (holy wood) was a hub of violent witchcraft in Rome. Holy wood was a beautiful location that lured people in, where high priest would sacrifice victims to the goddess Diana. I will get to literal human sacrifices later in this blog, but I just want believers to think of how we sacrifice our lives spiritually to Hollywood aka Holy wood. We get entangled into the movies, TV programs, reality TV, and other entertainment so much that it takes over our lives and becomes spiritual idolatry.

The pagans during this time period had “wood” from holy wood and made magical wands and using sorcery or magic, they would then be able to control the masses with trances or mind control. People are being put into trances and mind control today by Holly wood because they binge watch TV all day on Netflix putting them into the false reality that they want you to see which is why television is to “tell you a vision”. The viewer gets emotionally involved or attached which makes them laugh, cry, get angry, or jump during a scary scene.


Have we gotten distracted?

 Could all of this be stemming from the location of Los Angeles (city of fallen angels) to get us to worship them behind the scenes? Just another one of Satan’s tactics to turn our attention away from YHWH and His Son YESHUA which would automatically have us break the first two commandments, which is putting another elohim (mighty one) before Him.  And then we put statues of angels in our homes and do not even know what they look like outside of the Ezekiel description (Face of ox, lion, human, and eagle with four wings). The ones sitting in people’s homes do not look anything like that. Remember, that we don’t have to physically bow down before an object for it to become a form of worship. Anything we do more than spending time reading, studying, and worshipping our Creator is idolatry, which is why YHWH told Joshua in Joshua 1:8

“Do not let this Book of the Torah depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you guard to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and act wisely.”

These words apply to us as believers today. Our whole duty is to fear Elohim, to keep His commandments, and to meditate on His Word day and night. In other words, that leaves NO room for the world and all this entertainment that distracts us.

Nemi/holy wood and Hollywood a gateway for demons?

A video on this topic reveals a coin found at Nemi which appears to be three figures holding hands, but a closer look at their arms/hands shows IXXI which are Roman numerals for 9-11 or “Gate of Apollo” which is a gateway for demons, we can link this back to Diana’s Mirror because Apollo was her brother according to Greek mythology. It is not far-fetched because scripture even tells us that the whole world in Paul’s day and even today worships Diana. Acts 19:27-28 says:

“And not only is this trade of ours in danger of coming to rejection, but also that the temple of the great female mighty one Diana/Artemis whom all Asia and the world worship, shall be regarded as worthless and her greatness diminished.” And having heard this, they were filled with rage and cried out, saying, “Great is Diana/Artemis of the Ephesians!’

This would no doubt tie Diana/Artemis to the Queen of heaven as I mentioned earlier found in Jeremiah 7:18 whom Los Angeles is named after or fallen angels depending on the translation as mentioned in the introduction. The whole world worshipped Diana/Artemis as it does indirectly today with pagan days like Easter/Ishtar and all the days of Nimrod and her son Tammuz. They have all just been disguised under other names in other cultures to trick the world.

So that raises questions that if Nemi (holy wood) was a gateway for demons and Hollywood in Los Angeles is an exact replica of that in Rome, does that make the American Hollywood a gateway for demonic activity in the city of Angels? Is this why the movie industry picked this location because they knew it would prosper and entangle the entire world?

Does Satan have a plan?

Hollywood is orchestrated by Satan which he uses to keep us in the world and cause us to sin. The movies produced promote demons, ghosts, necromancy, greed, money, vanity, rape hatred, violence, homosexuality, adultery, fornication, abuse, just to name a few. Scripture tells us to keep your eyes from all evil, therefore we shouldn’t even be watching these abominations.

Psalm 101:3

“I will set no wicked thing before my eyes”

1 Thessalonians 5:22

“Abstain from every form of wickedness”

Legend has it that Nemi (holy wood) hunted souls for Diana with its beauty, the same way Hollywood hunts souls by deceiving believers in Messiah and other lost souls. Nimrod did the exact same thing in Genesis 10:8 by creating multiple paths of worship introducing pagan elohim and trying to hunt down lost souls and hunt down YHWH.

Child sacrifices for power, actors speak out!

Christian Bale during the 2019 Golden Globes said “Hail Satan for giving him inspiration.” The title to the article from Rolling Stones is “Golden Globes 2019: Church of Satan praises Christian Bale for thanking Satan.” Actors are now starting to come out to reveal the demonic activity occurring in Hollywood. The Hollywood elite practice the Kabbalah which is a Jewish spin of Hinduism, Hermeticism (religious, philosophical, and esoteric tradition based on writing of Hermes), and the occult. Famous people such as Ashton Kutcher and Madonna wear the red ribbon around their wrists and it doesn’t represent fashion, they are telling you who they serve and where they are getting their source to become famous. Keanu Reeves almost a year ago began to expose the Hollywood elite by speaking out against their satanic blood rituals.

Even Kate Perry says there is cannibalism and spirit cooking going on as well. Spirit cooking is a piece of performance art, using animal blood to write out how to connect with spirits. It includes spreading blood around a room on top of a statue. However, Keanu Reeves says this is just the tip of the iceberg about what goes on in Holy wood. Reeves had the following to say about Hollywood and their rituals:

·        They drink the blood of babies to get high and the high is better if it comes from an innocent child or one that suffered greatly before it was sacrificed in the occult ritual. If the child feared it had more hormonal adrenaline in the blood therefore it has a cocaine type affect for those drinking it.

·        Children are revered and put on pedestals but are being tortured, raped, and consumed in various ways. The children are considered currency.

·        They have women within the Luciferian family who act as surrogates and bare children for the specific use of sacrifices. They are impregnated and the women will hide out until they give birth and give the child over for the ritual sacrifice.

·        Says he was invited to a Moguls mansion when he personally saw a white and brown baby in his fridge. They even carry the blood in bottles and call it “red wine.”

On January 25, 2018 a scientist by the name of Phillip Ball wrote an article for (The Guardian) titled “How afraid of human cloning should we be?”

In this article Ball discusses how scientist in Scotland cloned a dolly sheep in 1996, dog, cats, pigs and other mammals. They have recently cloned two monkeys and now scientist feel they are on the edge cloning humans. When Ball wrote this article as a scientist I’m sure he didn’t realize what he was writing when he says “Clonaid, run by the Raelian Cult, which spuriously claimed to have created the first cloned child in 2002, stated in its publicity material that ‘a surprisingly large number’ of the requests it had received come from the Los Angeles/Hollywood area.”

Whoa! This scientist is just reporting the facts about human cloning and how they might be on the verge on cloning, yet it’s no coincidence that if they were able to clone children that Hollywood would be first in line and we know why. Child sacrifices and their evil rituals to Satan. We as believers now know the truth of the wickedness that is occurring even though the scientist are clueless.

Satan always wants to mock YHWH because he wants to be like Him; therefore, he set us his own sacrificial system that requires human sacrifices trying to mock YHWH’s animal sacrifices. The same way YHWH has His Holy Shabbats, Satan mocks with his “sabbats.” Below is the Illuminati sacrificial chart:

What does YHWH have to say about these abominable practices?

Psalms 106:37-40

“And they slaughtered their sons and their daughters to DEMONS, and they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they offered to the idols of Canaan. And the land was defiled with blood. So they became unclean by their own works, and went whoring by their own deeds. And the wrath of YHWH burned against His people. And He loathed His own inheritance.”

Leviticus 18:21

“And do not give any of your offspring to pass through to Moloch. And do not profane the Name of your Elohim. I am YHWH.”


Deuteronomy 12:31

“Do not do so to YHWH your Elohim, for every abomination which YHWH hates they have done to their mighty ones, for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their mighty ones.”

2 Kings 3:27

“Then took his eldest son who would have reigned in his place, and offered him as a burnt offering upon the wall. And there was great wrath against Israel.”

Isaiah 57:4-5

“Against whom are you sporting? Against whom do you make a wide mouth and stick out the tongue? Are you not children of transgression, offspring of falsehood, being inflamed with mighty ones under every green tree, slaying the children in the fire valleys, under the clefts of the rocks?”

Jeremiah 32:35

“And they built the high places of Ba’al which are in the Valley of Ben Hinnom, to offer up their songs and their daughters to Moloch, which I did not command them, nor did it come into My heart, that they should do this abomination, to make Judah sin.”

YHWH hates to see human sacrifice so knowing that Satan mocks Him and he requires it. All of these practices are sick and it never ends with what people will do for money and power. Satan offers this but it comes with a price of death. He will eventually come to collect his dues which we all know is your soul. When we go to the movies or purchase movies we are supporting this demonic activity. Even a lot of so called Christian movies have their own propaganda to steer believers away from the truth. An atheist producer made “Noah” and it was a movie not based on scripture at all. Passion of the Christ depicted Satan as a female etc. We have to be careful what we watch because our eyes are the windows to our soul.

Even our children are at risk

Even more disgusting is that these Satanist and Illuminati (pawns of Satan) are working together to brainwash the children and they are using Disney movies and cartoons to do this. Sheila Zelinksy exposed Disney and their deception by showing factual evidence of Walt Disney being involved in the Occult. He was shown hanging out with Anton Levay the writer of the Satanic Bible who said “Followers of Satan should look to Disney as one of their guides.” All of Disney’s movies are full of occult symbolism and subliminal messages which are used to control your kids. Where does every kid want to go? To Disney Land!

 Walt Disney even has a “club 33” in his park which represent the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Just take a look at the Walt Disney logo and you will see 666 cleverly hidden within it. Right in our face!

 We are literally paying Disney to sell witchcraft to the kids. They promote spells, incantations, magic, witchcraft, demonology, sorcery, magical mirrors, etc. All of which are abominations according to YHWH. We think cartoons and Disney movies are innocent for our kids because how can a cute cartoon movie be anything but innocent? Truth is, they are sugar coating witchcraft and feeding to our kids as innocent cartoons and are banking on the fact that we won’t do the research or sit down and watch the movie with our kids.

This is exactly how Satan and the occult work they “hide in plain sight”. The Illuminati said that they were being exposed so they had to find a way to hide their occult practices and symbolism by putting it in to cartoons and capturing the children at an early age and it would go undetected. There are scenes in Disney cartoons with “Illuminati” written on the chalkboard in the background, a pentagram drawn on Donald Duck, male privates used as pillars for a castle in little mermaid, the word “sex” with the birds in lion king, homosexuality, sun worship, crescent moons, the “23 different owls created” to represent the giant owl that the elite sacrifice to in the Bohemian grove in California. People that have sacrificed to this Satan representation of the owl and participate in the pagan rituals go on to become presidents, members of congress, senate, and the list goes on.

Could the recent wildfires in California have anything to do with the wickedness being practiced over there? Mansions were burned to the ground, yet the trees and grass remain untouched.

1 Timothy 3:17 we have become lovers of pleasure and pleasing the lust of our eyes as stated in 1 John 2:15-17. Even in Psalms 101:3 it says “I will set nothing wicked before my eyes.” Yet we set the TV in front of our eyes which is full of wickedness and tries to desensitize us to sin. We are to love what YHWH loves and hate what He hates. TV teaches us that sin is ok and we feel that just because we watch the sin and don’t act out the sin that it is ok, however, we are not to set anything evil before our eyes.

In a nutshell, our kids are not even safe from Satan and it is up to us to protect them and ourselves and the best way to turn off our TV’s, movies, cartoons, and stop supporting Hollywood/Disney. Supporting them by going to the movies, renting movies is helping to support their abominations. We have lost our focus in life which is to “Fear YHWH and keep His commandments for it is the whole duty of man.” Satan has shifted our focus so he can receive the glory, but it comes with a heavy price. Let us stand up and fight for The Elohim of Israel!

Easter is the worship of a pagan goddess

Written by: Damien Powell

One of Satan’s biggest deceptions is to trick believers of the Messiah and of YHWH, The Elohim of Israel, in to forcing us to observe days that are not commanded in scripture. Satan tricks us in to celebrating his counterfeit holidays called sabbats (a pagan gathering of witches) that mock the true Holy Days/SHABBAT or Moedim (Appointed times) set by YHWH. This great deception is confirmed when we read Daniel 7: 25:

“He (Satan) will speak against the Most High and oppress his holy people and try to change the set times and the laws. The holy people will be delivered into his hands for a time, times and half a time.”

What is Easter?

Satan has already changed YHWH’s commanded Holy Days for the church which isn’t Biblical, which brings us to the upcoming Feast, which is greatly overlooked by many believers in the Messiah and that day is Passover. Most of us have been deceived in to thinking that Yeshua died and rose on Easter Sunday. However, Easter cannot be found anywhere in scripture, nor the Easter bunny or the Easter egg, which are all pagan. Easter sometimes coincides with Passover and the death and resurrection of Yeshua, so it was easy for Christianity to merge this pagan celebration of the Spring Equinox and sexual reproduction to this date. Easter eggs and bunnies all represent symbols of reproduction and have nothing to do with our Messiah.

The names of Easter are Easter (English), Eastre (Anglo-Saxon), Astarte (Greek), ,Ashtoreth (Canaanite), and Ishtar (Babylonian). What does YHWH think of Easter? Judges 2:13

“So they forsook YHWH and served Baal and the Ashtoreth’s.”

Technically, if we are choosing Easter over Yeshua and the true Biblical day, we are putting a false deity over our Elohim which violates the first Commandment. “Have no other elohim before ME.”

What does it represent?

In my book titled “The Ultimate Spiritual Detoxification Guide: Cleansing Your Spirit of The Impurities of Learned Traditions and Behavior”, I explain from research the origin of Easter. Easter or Ishtar, also known by her biblical name of Semiramis and later called the “Queen of heaven” was the widow of Nimrod and mother of Tammuz. Easter is the bare breasted pagan fertility goddess of the east. Legend has it that she came out of heaven in a giant egg, landing in the Euphrates River at sunrise on the first Sunday after the vernal equinox, busted out, and turned a bird into an egg laying rabbit.”

“To honor this event, pagan sun-worshippers would go out early in the morning and face to the east to watch their sun-god arise over the horizon before having mass (sacrifice) in which the priest of Easter would sacrifice three month old human infants and take the eggs of Easter and dip them in the blood of the sacrificed infants. The blood-red colored Easter eggs would later hatch on December 25th, the same day her son Tammuz (Ezekiel 8:14) would be born.” You now possess the knowledge of the origin of Easter eggs and where dying them in pastel colors have come from.

Choose Passover

The biblical day that Yeshua was crucified on was Passover and then He rose three days later (End of Shabbat), the true Biblical feast. Mathew 26:2 says:

“As you know, the Passover is two days away and the Son of Man (Yeshua) will be handed over to be crucified.”

What is Passover? Passover is when YHWH brought the final plague upon the Egyptians of Pharaoh who would not let His people go. YHWH commanded the Israelites to put the blood of the sacrificial lamb without blemish on the lentils and doorposts of their homes so that YHWH would “Pass Over” their homes and execute judgment on the Egyptians. This event was a foreshadow of the true sacrificial lamb without blemish in Yeshua, whose blood was poured out for us so that sin and death will “pass over” us and we will be free in Yeshua with eternal life. The same way the lamb saved Israel from death is the same way Messiah would save us from death. He is the lamb that takes away the sin of the world.

Yeshua is also described as the Lamb in the Book of Revelation saying:

Revelation 12:11

“And they overcame him because of the Blood of the Lamb, and because of the Word of their witness, and they did not love their lives to the death.”

Revelation 13:8

“And all those dwelling on the earth, whose names have not been written in the Book of Life of the slain Lamb, from the foundation of the world shall worship Him.”

Revelation 22:1 And he showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of YHWH and of the Lamb.” And verse 3

Exodus 12:12-14 says:

For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am YHWH. And the blood shall be to you for a sign upon the houses where you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. And this day shall be unto you for a memorial: and you shall keep it a feast to YHWH throughout your generations; you shall keep it a feast by an ordinance forever.”

If you notice, YHWH tells us to keep the Passover Feast throughout our generations forever. This holds true because our Messiah celebrated Passover with His disciples just as His Father commanded. Mathew 26:18-19 says:

“And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at hand: I will keep the Passover at thy house with my disciples.” And the disciples did as Yeshua had appointed them; and they made ready the Passover.”

Verse 29 is absolutely beautiful! Yeshua reveals something that a lot of people may miss after reading the passage. He says the following:

“But I say unto you, I will not drink the fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”

Yeshua just confirmed the words of Father YHWH in Exodus 12:14 that the Passover is to be kept forever; and Yeshua tells us that we will celebrate the Passover with Him when He drinks the fruit of the vine with us in Heaven. So, as believers we need to begin celebrating the true feast of Passover and not the counterfeit holiday of Easter.

So we see that our Messiah Yeshua the one we are to follow, The One who kept the Torah perfectly celebrated Passover and NOT Easter. And Even Josiah in the Book of Kings when he and the priest discovered The Book of The Law they celebrated it because IT IS WRITTEN! 2 Kings 23:21-23 says:

And the sovereign (Josiah) commanded all the people, saying, “Prepare the Pesach (Passover) to YHWH your Elohim, as it is written in this Book of the Covenant.” For such a Passover had not been prepared since the days of the rulers who ruled Israel, nor in all the days of the sovereigns of Israel and the sovereigns of Judah.”

Is this matter and the words commanded in Torah that serious?

Yes! When Josiah rediscovered the Torah in The House of YHWH he said in 2 Kings 22:13

Go inquire of YHWH for me, for the people and for all of Judah, concerning the words of this Book that has been found. For great is the wrath of YHWH that is kindled against us, because our ancestors have not obeyed the words of this Book, to do according to all that is written concerning us.”

When is Passover this year?

Passover this year is on April 19th at the beginning of the sunset (twilight) and must be eaten in haste because the Israelites fled Egypt in haste. We are to eat it with roasted lamb, bitter herbs, and Matzah (unleavened bread).

Right after Passover is The Feast of Unleavened Bread!

As stated above, Passover begins on April 19th (14th Day of the 1st month of Abib on Hebrew calendar) and immediately after Passover is Chag HaMatzot/Feast of Unleavened Bread the next day on April 20th (15th Day of the 1st month of Abib on Hebrew calendar).

YHWH tells us this in Exodus 12:14-20 saying:

“This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to YHWH---a LASTING ORDINANCE. For seven days you are to eat bread made without leaven. On the first day remove the leaven from your houses, for whoever eats anything with leaven in it from the first day through the seventh day must be cut off from Israel. On the first day hold a sacred assembly, and another one on the seventh day. Do no work at all on these days, except to prepare food for everyone to eat---that is all you may do.”

“Celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread, because it was on this very day that I brought your divisions out of Egypt. Celebrate this day as a lasting ordinance for the generations to come. In the first month you are to eat bread made without leaven, from the evening of the fourteenth day (Passover) until the evening of the twenty-first day. For seven days no leaven is to be found in your homes. And whoever eats anything with leaven in it must be cut off from the community of Israel, whether he is an ALIEN OR NATIVE-BORN. Eat nothing made with leaven. Wherever you live, you must eat unleavened bread.”

To clarify this, YHWH has just told us that whether you are a native-born Jew or a Gentile that we are not supposed to eat anything with leaven in it for seven days. Also, we are commanded to not to do any work on the 1st day and the 7th day of the feast. According to the American/Gregorian calendar we are not supposed to work on April 20th and April 26th because they are holy days. And from the period of April 19th (sundown)-April 26th we are not allowed to eat anything with leaven in it which is for a period of seven days.

What is leaven? Leaven or (Se’or in Hebrew) are leavening agents that cause dough to rise such as yeast, baking powder, baking soda etc. When leavening agents are combined with dough it becomes Chametz which is baked bread. We are to dispose of any baked breads, cakes, cake mixes containing leavening agents and store bought breads along with the leavening agents as well. None of these items are supposed to even be seen anywhere on our property. We are to eat Matzah, which is called unleavened bread, for seven days.

We are commanded not to possess Chametz or leavening agents because leaven is a representation of sin. So, when we walk like Messiah Yeshua we are supposed to cleanse sin from our lives as Paul says in 1 Corinthians 5:6-8:

“Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little leaven works through the whole batch of dough? Get rid of the old leaven that you may be a new batch without leaven—as you really are. For Messiah, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed. Therefore let us keep the malice and wickedness, but with the bread without leaven, the bread of sincerity and truth.”

Once you allow a little sin to enter your life it will grow, causing you to sin even more. So, don’t let the sin/leaven enter your life because it will spread through the entire batch of dough/body.

Why are we as Jew and Gentile supposed to observe this? YHWH tells us in Exodus 13:7-9:

“Eat unleavened bread during those seven days; nothing with leaven in it is to be seen among you, nor shall any leaven be seen anywhere within your borders. On that day tell your son, ‘I do this because of what YHWH did for me when I came out of Egypt.” This observance will be for you like a sign on your hand and a reminder on your forehead that the law of YHWH brought you out of Egypt with His mighty hand. You must keep this ordinance at the appointed time year after year.”

As always let us stand up and fight for the Elohim of Israel through His Son, the Messiah Yeshua in truth. I know this is a lot of information to take in all at once, but my door is always open for any questions that you may have.  Feel free to email or call me regarding any concerns that you may have about Passover.

Blessings in Yeshua HaMashiach’s name


Damien Powell



Your vaccines contain aborted baby fetuses and flu shot has pig!

Written by: Damien Powell

As believers in The ELOHIM of Yisra’el and followers of YESHUA we are commanded to be obedient to His commands and part of His commands is what we put into our bodies, such as the dietary laws found in Leviticus 11. But we as believers in this world must continue to dig for the truth because Satan is the elohim of this world, which means he runs it within the constraints of what YHWH allows. And his job is to deceive us and make us do things to sin whether we know it or not.

What he has done is make us think that we need vaccines and medicine to be cured when YHWH has given us every plant and herb as food and to heal us. Things like elderberries, black seed oil, blueberries, etc. We have learned to trust in man to heal us versus depending on YHWH and scripture tells us in Jeremiah 17:5-8

“Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from YHWH for he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see when good comes, but shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, in a salt land which is not inhabited. Blessed is the man who trusts in YHWH and whose hope is YHWH for he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and will not fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green, and will not be anxious in the year of drought, nor will cease from yielding fruit.”

When we become dependent on man we are subject to his flaws and more often than not the leaders of this world are corrupt and want to make money. If they can keep us sick by the food we eat, we will in return go to the doctor, he/she will refer us to get medicine and the cycle repeats.  I used to wonder by places like Walgreens, CVS and doctor’s pushed the flu shot and especially why is it free? When nothing in this world is free!

We as believers are knowingly or unknowingly putting unclean things into our bodies and the bodies of our children with these vaccines. Things that YHWH calls an abomination. The Flu shot for example contains:

·        Formaldehyde which is used to embalm dead people (why would the living be injected with something for the dead?

·        Aluminum salts, and too much aluminum can destroy the brain.

·        Thimersosal is a preservative which contains mercury which is toxic. We know mercury can case reproductive harm, birth defects, and mess with your endocrine system.

·        Chicken egg proteins, which more than likely come from GMO chickens that are pumped full of hormones and antibiotics.

·        PIG gelatin. We know YHWH says that the pig is unclean in Leviticus 11:7, He even goes on to say we cannot even touch the carcass of an unclean animal, yet the unclean pig is going into our bodies through this vaccination. We have been deceived.

·        Antibiotics

·        Deactivated flu virus

A retired worker for the CDC spoke out against the flu virus saying that it did not work and that she did not like to give it to people. She said that she learned to take her elderberry syrup every morning which is used to prevent the Flu, sinus infections, and the common cold.

The scariest part about this blog that I must share with my fellow brothers and sisters in YESHUA is that most vaccines contain aborted baby fetuses, fetal bovine serum, MSG, and other abominations.

So what are scientist and doctors doing with the aborted baby fetuses? They are putting them into our food and into our vaccines. Robert Plotikin who is known as “the king of vaccines” was put on tribal about this and I encourage you to click this link and watch this four minute video of him admitting to using aborted baby fetuses for his vaccines. (click this link and be shocked!)

We know that there are agencies supporting “planned parenthood” for those who want to have abortions and they make it seem like its ok to have sex and then abort the baby, but its murder. Abortion is equivalent to the children of Israel passing their children through the fire to Moloch, Leviticus 18:21

“And do not give any of your offspring to pass through to Molek. And do not profane the Name of your Elohim. I am YHWH.”

 Jeremiah 19:4-5

“Because they have forsaken Me and have profaned this place, and have burned incense in it to other mighty ones whom neither they, their fathers, nor the kings of Judah have known, and thy have filled this place with the blood of the innocents and have built the high places of Ba’al, to burn their sons with fire for burnt offerings to Ba’al, which I did not command or speak, nor did it come into My heart.

 The children in the womb are being burned up alive and YHWH says this did not come into His mind or heart for this to happen. YHWH does not require human sacrifice but Satan does because he does the exact opposite, so his goal is to get the world to believe its ok to abort and then put it into vaccines as something safe to dupe the masses.

If we trust in YHWH and are obedient to His commands He says that we will be blessed, but if we are disobedient He will send curses. Deuteronomy 28:15 YHWH says

“And it shall be, if you do not obey the voice of YHWH your Elohim, to guard to do all His Commands and His Laws which I command you today, that all these curses shall come upon you and overtake you:

Verse 21 He continues “YHWH makes the plague cling to you until He has consumed you from the land which you are going to possess. YHWH smites you with wasting disease, and with inflammation, and with burning, and with extreme heat, and with the sword, and with blight, and with mildew. And they shall pursue you until you perish.”

Are you listening to Satanic music?

Written by: Damien Powell

Are you listening to satanic music?

A rapper name Lil’ Uzi said openly on stage “And nobody flying up to heaven right now, obviously all y’all (bleeps) going to hell right with me Lil’ Uzi said. When it began to play, Uzi continues to tell them that they are in hell and will remain there. “Oh, you already here,” he added. “I’m so sorry. You can’t get out! You’re stuck, it’s over. You heard the song a million times and you didn’t even know. That’s (bleep) up but I still love you anyway.” And on his Instagram page, he posted an upside down cross image and wearing satanic symbols. He openly told his listeners that if you listen to his music that you will be joining him in hell, yet it doesn’t stop people from buying his music.

This guy is obviously an agent of Satan, he obviously sold his soul for fame and fortune, and he is openly telling you who he serves. He knows the spiritual power that music possesses and he knows that his listeners will join him in torture if they continue listening to it. He is only one example of what goes in in the music industry, but now we understand the importance of YHWH saying touch no unclean thing and I will receive you.

We all want to walk with our Messiah Yeshua as believers, but are unknowingly falling into Satan’s snare. He is diverting our attention through the entertainment world through music and movies. This goes deeper than what is seen in our natural eye sight because there is a spiritual battle going on around us that we cannot see, a war for our souls, which is why Paul says in Ephesians 6:12

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Behind the scenes of music is a dark force that has taken the world captive and we have been duped into thinking music is just an innocent beat with innocent lyrics to have a good time, how could it be wrong? However, behind the scenes is a producer, an engineer, crafting and inspiring most of the music world and His name is Gadre’el known as Satan the devil.

An ex illuminist spoke out before going into hiding!

In an interview on Youtube with a guy named John Todd who is now deceased. He got out of the illuminati and went into hiding, but before he passed away he exposed the music industry. He stated that he was high up in the Illuminati and that they owned all the major record companies in the world. He said after an album is recorded they would take the CD behind closed doors and place it on an altar. They would then summon demons to follow the album wherever they went, so when you own the CD you purchased a demon free of charge. You have then just given demons legal right to enter into your home even if you just have it sitting there. Satan looks for an entrance into our lives and he has chosen to use music as his tool. This demons are wreaking havoc in our lives and we cannot figure out the source of our problems. I encourage every believer to pray to our Elohim to discover the root of our sicknesses, depressions, marriages, amongst other things.

What classifies as secular music?

Any song that does not exalt, worship or praise YHWH and His Son Yeshua is an abomination because all music was created to worship Elohim. Secular music which is music that is not created to worship Elohim keeps us as being “friends of the world” and it’s fleshly and lustful desires. We as believers live in this world but we are no supposed to be a part of this world. James 4:4 which says:

“You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of Elohim? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim.”

Through the devils cunning tactics he keeps us in the world by promoting idolatry, vanity, devil worship, lawlessness, drugs, incest, drunkenness, adultery, greed, fornication, being rich, and violence, yet we turn up the volume and nod our heads and repeat the lyrics that come out of the artists mouths as if we agree with their words. All of this keeps us in the world making us enemies with Elohim and we are feeding our souls with wickedness. Wickedness is when you choose to go your own way doing your own will, walking away from YHWH instead of with YHWH. Wickedness is also calling light darkness and calling darkness light, when we know the two don’t mix. Scripture says in 1 Corinthians 10:21

“You are not able to drink the cup of Elohim and the cup of demons, you are not able to partake of the table of The Master and the table of demons.”

We must choose which side we are going to be on because scripture tells us that you cannot serve both. You are either a child of Elohim or an enemy of His; therefore, we must come out of the world and be separate. Secular music is of this world and it does not exalt YHWH; therefore, it belongs to the world and Satan. Wherever we go in grocery stores, department stores, the person in their car blasting music is everywhere and the world loves secular music. There is nothing holy about it and remember YHWH says in Leviticus 19:2 “Be Holy for I am holy.” Listening to this music does not separate a believer from a non-believer.

A form of idol worship?

 We even exalt the musician by following them to the point that they become “bigger than life” to us and in return lose sight of YHWH. They even made a show called “American IDOL” because they know that the world is looking for the next biggest artist that will be indirectly worshipped by the fans as IDOLS. We follow these musicians, we know their life story, buy all their music, posters, clothing lines, support their clubs and restaurants. We know more about a human artist than our Messiah Yeshua, see the deception? What does scripture say about idols? Colossians 3:5-6

“Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: whoring, uncleanness, passion, evil desire and greed of gain, which is idolatry. Because of these the wrath of Elohim is coming upon the sons of disobedience.”

Isn’t that the same description that I used to show that Satan promotes all of these unholy things in secular music? Paul tells us that is equivalent to idolatry and even YHWH said “Have no other elohim (mighty ones) before Him and yet we do this by putting human beings like musicians over Him which is another form of idolatry. I’ve seen people claim they have no money to help the poor yet they manage to have enough money to buy tickets to concerts to see their favorite artist, buy their latest music, or clothes.

That is all a part of Satan’s plan to distract you and make you give praise to another. Scripture tells us that the apostasy of the church must occur before the anti-messiah comes. That means that people will renounce faith and Yeshua, and Satan must accomplish this by making us become immune to sin though music and movies. Believers in Yeshua are doing this without even knowing it by listening to this music or watching a “right in your face” demonic show of “Lucifer” himself.


So does music really have this effect on me as a believer? Is music really that important?

 Yes! Jimmy Hendrix and a few other popular musicians gave credit to the power of voodoo for the rhythm of the beat that puts you into a trance and captivates you. How is this possible? The Book of Ezekiel hints that Satan played music in heaven; therefore, it is no secret that he is in charge on the music industry. Ezekiel 28:13 says:

“You were in the Eden the garden of Elohim; every precious stone was your covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy timbrels and of thy pipes was prepared in you in the day that you were created.”

This would explain why music captures us so much because as the chief musician the devil can use the beat and lyrics that he knows so well, to lure us away from YHWH. 1 Samuel 16:16-23 says:

“Please, let our master command your servants who are before you, to seek out a man who is skilled player on the lyre. And it shall be that when the evil spirit of Elohim is upon you, that he shall play with his hand, and you be well.” And Saul said to his servants, “Please get me a man that plays well, and bring him to me.” And one of the servants answered and said, “Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Beyth Lehemite, who knows how to play, a brave one, and a man of battle, and skilled in words, and a handsome man, and YHWH is with him.”

“And Jesse took a donkey loaded with bread, and a skin of wine, and a young goat, and sent them by his son David to Saul. And David came to Saul and stood before him. And he loved him greatly, and he became his armor-bearer. Saul therefore sent to Jesse, saying, “Please let David stand before me for he has found favor in my eyes>”

And it came to be, whenever the spirit of Elohim was upon Saul, that David would take a lyre and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the evil spirit would leave him.”

2 Kings 3:17

“And now, bring me a harpist.” And it came to be, when the harpist played, that the hand of YHWH came upon him. And he said, “Thus said YHWH, ‘Make this wadi ditches-ditches.’

As we see David a righteous man played music to cast out an evil spirit, so can’t Satan inspired music be used to invite demonic spirits into your life? Also when music was played the spirit of YHWH came upon Elisha the prophet that succeeded Elijah who was taken into heaven, and Elisha was then able to prophesy.


What is Satan’s goal?

Through Satan the artist or singer that sold their soul to him becomes his false preacher, using the stage as his pulpit, giving his false doctrine to the audience of believers, non-believers, and lost souls. The artist is a pawn used by Satan to deliver the message because Satan knows that the world won’t directly bow down and worship him. Through his deceptive tactics like music he soaks up the glory, adoration, and praise that artist gets. Satan wants to destroy us so he does his best to pull glory away from Elohim making us enemies to our Creator.  

The term worship itself means showing reverence and adoration, honor, or praise to Elohim or anything not of Elohim. We all know that these celebrities receive adoration from their fans all over the world which is a form of worship/idolatry and as I stated Satan is standing behind the artist soaking it up because they sold their soul and pledged allegiance to him.

He does everything in reverse opposite of our Father YHWH. As I’ve stated before YHWH has Shabbats and Satan has Sabbats, Satan makes musicians say YHWH’s prayer that Yeshua taught (Lords prayer) backwards, he puts subliminal messages in music but you have to play it backwards, YHWH says don’t sacrifice your children yet Satan requires it. Why does Satan get musicians to sign their name in blood on the contracts? Because YHWH says that the LIFE is in the blood; therefore, you are entering into a spiritual contract with Satan. YHWH says do not eat the blood of animals because the life is in the blood. YHWH tells us these things for a reason.

Can you sell your soul?

Mathew 4:9 says:

“The devil took Him (Yeshua) to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. “All of this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” If Satan made that offer to Yeshua then he can make it to anyone of us. He will stop at nothing to get his glory and worship at the expense of our souls.

1 Kings 21:20

“And Ahab said to Elijah, “Have you found me, O my enemy? And he answered, “I have found you, because you have sold yourself to do evil in the eyes of YHWH.”

Ahab committed many abominations before this by walking in the sins of Jeroboam, but doing more evil than he did by making statues of Baal and Ashtoreth and bowing down to them. This account is found in 1 Kings 16:31-33.

Many artist did not take Yeshua’s approach and rebuke Satan, they took his offer for fame and fortune.

Lil’ Wayne had a decision and summoned up a demon named “murmur” he also has a shirt that says “Yeshua saves, I spend” meaning he does the exact opposite of what Yeshua does. If Yeshua saves souls then he destroys souls. The shirt has a cross with a dollar sign wrapping around it, which is symbolic of Satan wrapping around the tree as he was speaking to Eve to deceive her. He also makes it a point to call himself an alien or Martian because he is simply saying that he is demon possessed and pledged allegiance to the devil. Sadly there is an article written by Tiffany Washer titled “Lil Wayne’s secret” and it discusses a song that Lil’ Wayne released early in his career called “I feel like dying”. The article says that Lil’ Wayne made a pact with a demon named Murmur shortly before his popularity exploded.

Producers Cool and Dre worked with Lil Wayne on a few tracks when he became a big time star but the producer Cool says the real producers of that song were demons and they told Lil Wayne to recruit other members. So, he did and later on his group “Young Money” was formed to complete the deal. He made a pact with Murmur in exchange for his soul. He was allowed to possess Wayne for a short period of time and would make him one of the most popular rappers alive. When the song was recorded it wasn’t Lil Wayne rapping it was Murmur and his demons were the producers.

Johnny Depp though he is an actor and not a musician has a known drinking problem where he spends around $20,000 monthly in alcohol. He has stated that he cannot stand to watch his own movies because that is not him on film. A demonic spirit enters him before he acts, which would explain why he plays in all these weird dark movies like Sweeny Todd, Edward scissor hands etc. The alcohol problem probably extends from the fact he is seeing demons and knows what is dwelling within him. John Goodman also said that he cannot look at himself either. My personal opinion is that Michael Jackson could not sleep and needed help to fall asleep is because he was seeing demons at night that probably tortured him in ways that made it hard for him to find rest.

Eminem said in his is Eight Mile song “He sold his soul to the devil he can never get it back, I just want to leave this game level had intact.” Tribe Called Quest, DMX, and Kanye West are others who said the same thing, hiding in plain sight again.

Jack Black was on a talk show paying homage to the demonic roots of rock n’ roll even mentioning Robert Johnson who was founder of it by selling his soul which I will explain a litter later on in this article. But Black said “there is a rich history with the devil and rock and roll all the way back to Elvis saying he is playing the devils music” and then says “have we sold our soul to the devil? Well how do you explain us being here?”

Katie Perry says she was a gospel singer at 15 years old and both her parents are traveling ministers but she decided to sell her soul.

Kanye West calling himself “Yeezus” and even has an album cover with him sitting next to Satan with demons in the background, Marilyn Manson has a song called “Antichrist superstar”, Jay-Z calls himself “Hova” a play on a mistranslated name of Elohim Jehova which is rendered from YHWH. Three 6 Mafia, look at the word play and you get 666. Ariana Grande has a song titled “God is a woman” which we know is blasphemy because scripture says Elohim created man in His own image. Satan wants to put doubt into the minds of believers and this song is up for a Grammy which means that people are supporting this trash and getting the world to fall prey to it. This article was written December 11th 2018.

Prince’s song “Little Nikki” song sounds like he is talking about a female but is referring to Satan and even says he signed his name on the dotted line. Prince also has a song that was played in reverse and it revealed a demonic message with him singing “he worships Satan.” Brittany Spears song “I’m a slave” is saying the same message when it is played in reverse revealing that she is a slave, for Satan. We are inviting these evil spirits into our souls. Can you see how that would subliminally bring darkness to your soul? Those words are being said underneath the music although you cannot hear them. Satan is clever with what does, so we as believers cannot give him a foothold in our lives.

Even centuries ago a guy named Gusseppe Tartini has a violin piece titled “The devils trill sonata”. He says he saw a dark figure in a dream one night in 1713 which was the devil offering his services in exchange for his soul. Tartini agreed, the devil then picked up his violin and played the most beautiful song he ever heard. Tartini then awoke and played the song and even to this day it is one of the most difficult pieces of violin music ever written. People say he must have had other worldly assistance to have played it so perfectly.

David Bowie said “Rock has always been the devil’s music, you can’t convince me that it isn’t.”

The sad part is that Satan has the whole world desensitized to sin and his own existence that when these artists and actors openly admit they serve Satan the audience bursts out in laughter like it’s a joke. That is exactly what he wants you to think so you can continue down the dark path. These artists openly tell you they worship Satan for fame and the whole world continues to support it which means Satan is hiding in plain sight.


Alter Egos or demons?

These artists claim to have “alter egos” which are nothing more than demonic possessions. Beyonce admitted that Sasha Fierce is her alter ego that takes over for her on stage and has her doing things she could never do without it. Eminem has Slim Shady, Nikki Minaj as Roman, Rhianna has her own etc. Anytime Eminem can have a song titled “rap god” with him putting up devil horns with his fingers Earth Wind and Fire said they were visited by Jupiter for their inspiration for music and worship the sun elohim. Even half time shows at sporting events and shows are filled with occult symbols that are right in our faces. They are openly telling us who they worship; therefore, we as believers cannot be involved with secular music. Music is not innocent because there is a spiritual side to this whole situation and we must not get involved.

So how did Satan infiltrate the rock/blues industry?

There is something called the crossroads which goes back to the blues era, where musicians would go to a “crossroads” and call on Satan to help them gain a musical talent for fame, but of course it required their soul in exchange for his services.

Sometime in the 1930’s was a man on a plantation in Mississippi named Robert Johnson who wanted to become a blue’s musician, however he could not play the guitar or sing. One day voices told him to grab his guitar and run to the nearby “crossroads” at midnight and wait. These crossroads according to those familiar with this say its US 61 and US 49 in Clarksdale. The

Johnson listened to the voices and went to the crossroads and waited. There a tall dark man emerged from the shadows and took Johnson’s guitar and tuned it, then expertly played a few songs and gave it back to the Johnson. Johnson went on to play and found out that he was a master on the guitar, so good in fact that he went on to invent the blues. Johnson made songs titled “Me and the Devil Blues” and “Hell bound on my Trail”.

The legend says selling your soul at the crossroads was born in Mississippi and his 29 songs went on to influence: Eric Clapton, Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, U2, Led Zeppelin, and some future artist all make reference to the crossroads. This immediately reminded me of a rap group that I listened to as a teenager named Bone Thugs and Harmony who had a song called “Crossroads” where they  sing “Meet you at the crossroads where you will never been lonely.” Now, I know what and who they were referring to “Satan.” It’s no coincidence at that time in my teenage life my dad happened to come downstairs and saw this Bone Thugs video that we were listening to and said “That’s demonic turn that off!”

Bob Dylan conducted a live interview where he admits to selling his soul at the crossroads to Satan. He says “I made a bargain a long time ago and I’m holding up my end of the bargain.” The interviewer asks Dylan “What was the bargain?” Dylan replies “to get where I am now.” The interviewer says “Who was the bargain with?” Dylan says “The chief commander of this world and a world we cannot see.”

The Weeknd was shown in his latest video symbolically showing he followed his predecessors by selling his soul at the crossroads. I was recently shown a video from my brother of The Weeknd performing on stage and the screen in the background flashed the name “Satan.” It flashed so fast you would miss it with the naked eye, but someone caught it and slowed the video down for all to see. My sister pointed out a video of the Weeknd about a year ago saying that he was on the stage singing but nobody in the crowd was dancing but a dark figure walks into the room smoking a cigar. He watches him and then flicks it on the stage setting it on fire. Immediately the crowd goes wild. That dark figure was setting and hell, and him selling his soul automatically made the music good and the crowd went wild. Satanist always show you right in your face what they have done. Let’s remember that he was out for a long time well before he was recognized world-wide, so fame and fortune comes with a price.

The Romantics have an album titled “61/49” referring or paying homage to the crossroads where Johnson sold his soul along with many others like Dylan. To a blind audience all we will see is the numbers 61/49 and think nothing of it, but that is how Satan works, he hides in plain sight, and shows us who is working for him. Even the loved Michael Jackson who the whole world loved had a song called “Money” where he literally says he would do anything for money, even sell his soul to the devil.

Every one of us must be aware that Nikolas Shreck the son of Anton LeVay the founder of the Church of Satan, both admitted to using music and symbolism as propaganda and as a weapon against the youth to turn them away from Yeshua and His Kingdom. You also have musicians and celebrities doing spirit cooking by taking blood baths and mixing breast milk, sperm, and blood sometimes menstrual blood off of somebody laying in a tub or writing it on the walls. It’s just total perversion.

Music is used as a seductive tool to innocently trick the world into serving Satan, but we are not going to allow this to happen! We need to stay away from all secular music so that Satan cannot get a foothold in our lives. All he needs is an entranceway and he will torment you. Remember, a little bit of yeast leavens the WHOLE batch of dough (Galatians 5:9)

If you don’t love the things in this world then letting go off secular music or anything form of music that doesn’t exalt YHWH and Yeshua should not be a problem. Throw all music that does not exalt YHWH and Yeshua and for us to stop supporting their demonic work. Let us fight for the Elohim of Israel in truth! YHWH says tear down their altars, idols, and groves and throw them into the fire and we can do the same with the albums and CD’s we can take them and burn them in the fire.

Update: YAHWEH'S diet vs man's diet (corrections)

Written by: Damien Powell

On June 24th 2018 I wrote a blog titled “YAHWEH’s diet vs. man’s diet”, in that blog I discussed hybrid foods that should not be consumed by man and that we should only be eating foods created by YHWH. I just wanted to confirm that I still believe we should not be eating GMO (genetically  modified foods) because those are foods that scientist have manipulated by tampering with the DNA of the food to get their desired traits of size, color, and taking out the seeds that they naturally contain.

YHWH does tell us in Genesis 1:29 that He gave us seed bearing plants because the seed has life; therefore, that fruit or vegetable can germinate on its on without human intervention. How would a seedless fruit or vegetable propagate (breed, grow, cultivate, or generate) in nature? It wouldn’t, because it would become extinct with the seed. Otherwise, it will require intervention and care of a human being to survive.

Also, in Genesis 1:30 YHWH says

“And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for food: and it was so.” Even in Leviticus 11:3 YHWH says that cows “chew the cud” which a special process that cow has in their four stomachs when they eat grass, which is what they were intended to eat. However, man has given them corn, soy, animal by-products and other unnatural food that cows were never meant to eat. 100% grass-fed, grass finished beef is what we need to be eating.

However, after further research there is no real evidence that foods like potatoes, celery, some corn, peaches, spinach and cabbages are hybrids. I just wanted to clarify this to everyone who read the article and deeply apologize for not giving more details on the subject. Examples below:

·        Carrots are naturally purple and some offshoot colors of yellow, red and white, but in the 17th century Dutch growers made the first orange carrot. So, I cannot say whether they are good or bad for us to eat, just simply they were not the original color and that man intervened to change the color.

·        Rice is naturally a purple, brown, or red color because of the bran (hull) that grows on the outside of it. The bran is removed which requires man-made processing to get white rice which makes it quicker to cook; therefore, removing the nutrients out of the rice.

·        Before corn was corn it was native to Mesoamerica known as teosinte which is a Mexican grass considered to be one of the parent plants of modern corn. Teosinte doesn’t look much like maize, especially when you compare its kernels to those of corn. has an article which states “One of the first scientists to fully appreciate the close relationship between teosinte and maize was George Beadle. In the 1930’s, Beadle studied teosinte-maize hybrids, and showed that their chromosomes are highly compatible. Later, he produced large numbers of teosinte-corn hybrids and observed the characteristics of their offspring. By applying basic laws of genetic inheritance, Beadle calculated that only about 5 genes were responsible for the most-notable differences between teosinte and a primitive strain of maize. The original maize did not contain nearly as many kernels as the modern day corn.

·        Foods like broccoli and brussel sprouts which were engineered by man do require human intervention and I’ll attach the article to this for clarification. In the previous blog I Ieft it open ended by just saying cabbage was a hybrid. There are wild cabbages that grow in nature.

An article written by Namtara Zodok below talks about broccoli and the difference between a hybrid and selective breeding. I just want to make believers aware of the options we are presented with. This is a difficult topic and the foods that are available are not as easy to identify as I thought last year. There are many different variables to consider as to what constitutes a hybrid versus selective breeding.

 I will definitely say we need to avoid seedless fruits and vegetables, GMO food, artificial foods/flavorings, and hormone/antibiotic laden feed-lot beef as these are obvious violations to YHWH’s command and natural order.

“Broccoli is most certainly a man-made food. If there were no people, there would be no broccoli.   It is the result of many years of picky - choosy selective breeding. Broccoli would not occur in the wild on its own.  So if you ever find yourself lost in the woods, looking for something to eat, don't expect to stumble upon any broccoli!


Where does broccoli come from?


Broccoli comes from the selective breeding of wild cabbage (Brassica oleracea) plants starting around the 6th century BC. Its name, from the Italian broccolo, describes the flowering top of a cabbage - an homage to broccoli's origins. Since the Roman Empire, the people of Italy have valued broccoli as a good source of food and nutrition.


It was first brought to England in the mid 1800's by a man named Peter Scheemakers, a Flemish sculptor. It was eventually introduced to the Americas. Broccoli has only recently gained much popularity in the United States during this past century.


Is broccoli somehow harmful because it is man-made?


With all of its many proven health benefits, it would be a stretch to say that broccoli hurts people.  Some might say that because broccoli has been tampered with in order to exist, that it is inherently less nutritionally potent or "electric" than its predecessor - the wild cabbage. We can only speculate.


Is broccoli the result of GMO (genetic modification / engineering)?


Selective breeding or "cultivation" is not the same as GMO. GMO requires a highly trained group of genetic engineers, a laboratory and lots of expensive equipment. They go into the plant at cellular level and make the desired changes. This process is very intrusive and has a profound effect on the overall identity of a plant. 


Selective breeding however, is a lot less complicated, but it takes way longer to see notable changes in the plants physiology. Selective cultivation entails throwing out the less desirable plants, and only reproducing from the plants that possess the traits you are looking to keep.


In the case of the broccoli plant, that is exactly how it was done. Wild cabbage farmers would systematically discard the cabbage plant's less desirable flower buds, and keep the tastier, larger, faster growing ones. Then they would use these buds to breed with. Over much time and pickiness - the modern day broccoli plant eventually resulted.


Is broccoli a hybrid?


No. Broccoli is not a hybrid. A vegetable hybrid is the result of combining two different species of plant to make a new breed.  Usually hybrids have more trouble reproducing than wild plants. They need help from humans to stay around. Selective breeding is how humans developed broccoli.


Other vegetables that were cultivated this way include:  

·         Cauliflower

·         Brussels sprouts

·         Cabbage

·         Turnips/turnip greens

·         Collards

·         Kale

·         Bok choy


So should we eat broccoli? Is it safe?


Broccoli is generally considered to be very nutritious.  Since it hasn't really been tampered with on a genetic level, it’s probably ok, but it is not as "electric" as its wild predecessor. It does offer lots of hearty green goodness to any meal. World renowned healer Dr. Sebi (RIP) taught that any food that wouldn't grow wild and naturally on its own is to be avoided.  Still broccoli is packed with green power so most nutritionists would disagree.  It depends on whether you accept man made foods as being potentially healthy. 


Satanic Alert: Who is being worshipped on Valentine’s Day?

Written by: Damien Powell

Men and women all over the world are going out of their way to purchase roses, candy, cards, and other gifts to show their significant other how much they love them. The world spends an estimated 18.2 billion dollars for Valentines, but what are the origins behind this day? Why do we need the world to tell us when to love our significant others? Again, Satan has conditioned the world to sin against YHWH and YESHUA by unmarried couples engaging in fornication, others committing adultery, and the main focus of this blog is the fact that Satan has the world recreating pagan rituals and worshipping pagan deities.

Here are facts about Valentine’s Day:

·        YHWH tells us in Jeremiah 10:2 “Do not learn the way of the gentiles/heathen” yet the world passes Valentine’s Day off as a Christian holiday when it is found nowhere in Scripture. We have done exactly what YHWH said DO NOT do, which is learn gentile/pagan customs by attempting to Christianize a pagan day known as “Lupercalia”. Valentine’s Day is no different than Halloween or Xmas.

·        Lupercalia a Roman holiday, a festival that was performed between February 13th and February 15th. They performed the festival to expel spirits and purify the city and release fertility and health. It was an ancient Roman celebration in honor of Lupercus aka Faunus who was the deity of fertility. Faunus was a Roman deity of flocks and shepherds and had the head and torso of a man, but hindquarters of a goat. Lupercalia celebrated the coming of spring with orgies, sex with minors, fornication, and drunkenness.

·        Lupercalia is the Roman form of worship of the Greek deity Pan (nature worship). And Pan can be traced to Ba’al the pagan deity of the Canaanites who the Bible mentions more than any other pagan deity who the Israelites worshipped to provoke YHWH to anger. Ba’al is the original Lupercus known as Nimrod the one who rebelled against YHWH at the tower of Babel.

·        Faunus was considered a symbol of “fecundity”, which means the ability to produce an abundance of offspring or new growth; fertility because of his lustful nature. Now we know why everyone wants to lust, make love and fornicate on this day because of what it stems from with the pagan deities. Sex and fertility.

·        Lupercalia was held on February 15th “The Feast of Lupercus”. Lupercus was the fertility deity the Romans worshipped, they sacrificed goats and dogs, then the blood was smeared on the foreheads of the young men, then the blood was wiped off with wool dipped in milk. Then the men wearing strips of goatskin around their loins ran around the city striking women with the goatskin. It was believed that pregnant women would have easier labor and interfile women would become fertile. Lupercus had priests called luperci which is similar to the 450 prophets of Ba’al and his priests. 1 Kings Chapter 18. It is interesting to note the significance of the goats being used in these rituals because the baphomet which is a demon that has a goat head with a pentagram and female breasts. This statue was placed named to the 10 Commandments statue in Arkansas.

Lupercalia was the festival for Lupercus and later in the day the feast of Juno “Februate” was celebrated where women would be paired with men by a lottery. Juno was the Roman goddess fever of love, marriage, and women. Her day also fell on February 15th and on this day young women wrote their names on “billets” which are slips of paper and put them in a large bowl, then single men would draw out the billet. The lady whose name was on the billet would be his partner for all the erotic festivals for the day. Now we know where we get “secret valentines” from, where people would draw names from a bowl and get a gift for their secret crush. It is more modernized today because people can draw names online for their secret valentines and send anonymous messages and draw names online to find the perfect gift for your secret cupid. Also, the expected sex the couples are expected to have stem from the erotic pleasures for the day as it was in ancient Rome.

·        Two men named Valentine were killed on Valentine’s Day and St. Valentine who married couples in private so they could avoid being drafted was beheaded on February 14, 269 AD. This reminds me of two people who were killed on the birthdays of two evil men in the Bible. Pharaoh killed the chief baker and King Herod killed John The Baptist.

·        When Rome accepted Christianity the Roman Catholic Church did not like the open erotic behavior of Lupercalia so Pope Galasius honored February 14th as the honor of Valentinus a saint martyr instead of Lupercus. All he did was merge paganism with Christianity and disguised it with a new name to make it more acceptable to the masses.

·        To get rid of the feast of Juno Februata, Pope Gelasius changed it form February 15th to February 14th and called it St. Valentine’s Day. It was then associated with various martyrs by the name of Valentine, covering up pagan roots behind the name of Christianity and the world has fallen prey. The world isn’t honoring any saints but worshipping pagan deities of fertility.

·        Red roses which are so popular on Valentine’s Day was the favorite flower of Venus the mother of Cupid. And we can now see the connection as to why people by their lovers roses on this day.

·        Valentine’s Day honors Lupercus, Junos, Pan, Venus, Aphrodite, Faunus all representing love, lust, desire, and fertility. Just because we change the name of a pagan ritual doesn’t change the fact that it’s still a pagan ritual. All we are doing is recreating pagan rituals in modern times and YHWH hates it.


Let us stand up and fight for the Elohim of Israel in truth and unlearn these lies and pagan rituals that have been passed down to us. We cannot justify having one foot in the world and the other worshipping YHWH.

Muslims and Christians repent! Locust attack Mecca on January 10th.

Written by: Damien Powell

A swarm of locusts attacked Mecca which is the holiest city for the Muslims on January 10, 2019. This is the same biblical plague that occurred in The Bible. Exodus 10:3-4 says

“And Moses and Aaron came in to Pharaoh and said to him, “Thus said YHWH Elohim of The Hebrews, ‘Till when shall you refuse to humble yourself before Me? Let My people go, so that they serve Me. Or else, if you refuse to let My people go, see, tomorrow, I am bring locusts within your borders.”

This was a warning sign to the Muslim faith because they do not believe that YESHUA is the Son of YHWH. They believe that YESHUA was just a prophet and that those who believe in The Father, The Son, and Holy Spirit worship three Elohim when scripture tells us they are ONE being but three separate. YESHUA says that He and His Father YHWH are ONE. Scripture tells us in 1 John 4:2-3

“And every spirit that does not confess that YESHUA The Messiah has come in the flesh is not of Elohim. And this is that of the anti-messiah which you heard is coming, and now is already in the world.”

Will those who are not obedient to YHWH’s law in Christianity be next? 2 Corinthians 11:4 Paul says:

“For, indeed, if he who is coming proclaims another YESHUA, whom we have not proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different Good News which you have not accepted, you put up with it well enough.”

There are more than 51,000 denominations of Christianity today and all of them claim to have the truth; however, there is only ONE way to eternal life and Revelation 12:17 says “Satan wants to wage war on those who keep the commandments of YHWH and have the testimony of YESHUA.” Satan wants to destroy those believers that have faith and works because that is true salvation. He only wants those who are being obedient and doesn’t want to waste time on those who are already following him indirectly. Most religions are made by man and they teach us that we are saved by grace through faith and that YHWH’s Torah (1st Five Books of Bible) which are His guidelines and instructions are done away with. They are teaching another YESHUA that isn’t taught in scripture.

Most of these religions follow the reformation where Martin Luther protested against the Roman Catholic Church by saying we are saved by grace alone and Calvinism which has the same concept but adds in pre-destination. They protested against YHWH’s law which is why they are called Protestants. However, they are all extensions of The Roman Catholic Church because they have Sunday or Sun’s Day worship in common.

YESHUA said in Mathew 5:17-20 That He did not come to destroy the Torah or the prophets. So, if YESHUA walked the earth over 2,000 years ago, why are we following religions that were created no more than 400 years ago? When we accept YESHUA as The Messiah and our Savior, we become citizens of Israel and followers of The Way!  Whether you are a native-born Israelite or not. We become ONE in the eyes of The Elohim of Israel and inherit the same promise. This is what Paul was saying in Ephesians 2:11-13

“Therefore remember that you, ONCE gentiles in the flesh, who are called ‘the uncircumcision’ by what is called ‘the circumcison’ made in the flesh by hands, that at that time you were without The Messiah, excluded from the citizenship of Israel and strangers from the Covenants of promise, having no expectation and without Elohim in the world. But now in Messiah YESHUA you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of ha’Mashiach (The Annointed One!)

Ezekiel 47:21 says

And you shall divide this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. And it shall be that you divide it by lot as an inheritance for yourselves, and for the strangers who sojourn in your midst and who bear children among you. And they shall  be to you as NATIVE-BORN among the children of Israel-with you they have an inheritance in the midst of the tribes of Israel.” “And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger sojourns, ther you give him his inheritance,” declares the Master YHWH.”

Here is a list of religions created by men who preach another YESHUA that Paul spoke of in 2 Corinthians 11:4:

Baptist religion found by John Smyth in 1608.

Pentecostal religion founded by Charles Parham in 1901.

Morman religion founded by Joseph Smith in 1830.

Jehovah Witness religion founded by Charles Taze Russell in 1872.

7th Day Adventist religion founded by William Miller in 1863.

Judaism founded by Pharisees in YESHUA’S time He walked the earth, the modern day rabbi’s.

Catholicism most say was founded by Roman Emperor Constantine who changed The Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday and The Church says they have the authority to change the day.

Muslim religion was founded by Prophet Muhammad after the Bible.

These religions remind me of what Jeraboam did in 1 Kings 12:32-33

“And Jeraboam performed a festival on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, like the Festival that was in Judah, and he offered on the altar. So he did at Beyth El, slaughtering to the calves that he had made. And at Beyth El he appointed the priests of the high places which he had made. And he made offerings on the altar which he had made at Beyth El on the fifteenth day of the eighth month, in the month WHICH HE HAD DEVISED IN HIS OWN HEART.”

Jeraboam caused Israel to commit greats sins against YHWH by making two golden calves for them to worship, making priests out of any tribe when YHWH said that only the Levites could do it, and creating a festival in his own heart on the 15th day of the eighth month mocking The Feast of Tabernacles which is on the 15th day of the seventh month. These religions were devised in the heart of a man and not by our Father YHWH and not following The Way. He went his own way just like these religions do today. YESHUA is The Way, The Truth, and The Light. Christianity must repent and keep the Commandments and keep the proper Sabbath while believing in YESHUA.

On top of the recent locust plague hitting Mecca they have also experienced two freak hailstorms that left devastation on the land and flooding. There are Blood Rivers in Indonesia and Malawi. An earthquake in Chile on January 19th that measured 6.7 on the scale. What will the world experience next for their disobedience to YHWH’s Word? We should not fear if we are being obedient. However, if we are hearers of the Word and not doers of the Word then we need to examine our walk with YESHUA and repent because time is running out. May we stand up and fight for the Elohim of Israel in truth!